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Creating your MoBerries profile
Karin avatar
Written by Karin
Updated over a week ago

The first step is uploading your CV (please make sure it is in PDF or Word Document format and that it does not exceed our size limit of 5 MB).

Contentwise, ensure that it is properly formatted, easily readable and if you want to include a picture make sure it is a professional one. Furthermore, list not only your previous job titles but also briefly outline your responsibilities and tasks.

Lastly, make sure that your CV is up to date at all times!

Our whitepaper with tips on how to create your CV can be found here.

In the Preferences tab on your MoBerries profile you can add additional information that helps further define the jobs you will be suggested - if you are open to relocation, you will also get even more matches!

The Skills tab allows you to showcase all of your talents, such as languages spoken, and skills you have developed from your previous work experience.

  • How should I select job categories?

    Choose job categories, which best reflect your previous work experience. Based on this, our algorithm will suggest suitable positions.

  • Where should I upload my cover letter or certificates?

    You do not need them on MoBerries. If you have an online version or a link to those documents add them as a reference to your profile.

    If a company needs more information they will reach out to you.

  • Why should I add my LinkedIn Profile?

    It is recommended to connect your profile on MoBerries with LinkedIn – it augments your profile by providing further professional information about your network, recommendations, key skills, and activities. Make sure to fill-in all required fields as this helps our algorithm better understand what you have achieved, what you want to achieve, and where to best place you.

    You connect your LinkedIn profile by clicking on your profile picture in MoBerries, select Account and then Social.

Still have questions? Check out our Candidate Guide for a complete overview.

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